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description[SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel Empty[SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel

After removing the accessory "Set programm access and defaults" I got an "ghostery" entry in the controlpanel:

[SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel Contro11

You see these entry only when activate "control panel: show as menue". Some other accessories causes the same problem, I got up to 3 "ghostery" entries but it took me already very much time to find out this one cause. Maybe it's possible to analyse the problem in this special case.

By the way: I realised an other problem. I wouldn't call it a bug but it also costs me a lot of time. When you remove the keyboard "English(US)", the chinese keboard won't work. I proved it with the keyboard "simplified chinese" but I'm shure it would be the same with the other chinese keyboards an maybe also with some others. Maybe it's better not to offer "English(US)" to be removed.

description[SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel EmptyRe: [SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel


I'm actually trying to reproduce the control panel links bug ... Very Happy

Thank you for the report !

description[SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel EmptyRe: [SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel


I confirm this bug ... I'm investigating it and will fix it in the next build !

description[SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel EmptyRe: [SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel

The bug persists in 3.16

description[SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel EmptyRe: [SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel

I checked everything to find out what causes these mysterious empty entries, with no success. It seems to be totally unsystematical. Even if I keep all accessories and all controls I have such an empty entry now. Of course I tried also to keep features and services - it seems not to depend on a special feature or service or accessory or control. Also it does not depend on using optimations or not.

Does anyone has an idea what's behind this "ghostly" entries? What can I try out to find it?

description[SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel EmptyRe: [SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel


i tried it like 3 times and i dont get such entries.

winter could reproduce it so maybe he nows more

description[SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel EmptyRe: [SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel

Hello guys,

I've reproduced the bug using only the "Set programm access and defaults" component, so I think the cleaning is not finished and depend only on the component ... I need time to dig this ... so this will be available in next builds !

description[SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel EmptyRe: [SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel

SOLVED IN v3.21 !


This is not exactly a bug because "Accessories - Set Program Access and Defaults" is related to "Control Panels - Set Users Default" ... so it will be solved in v3.21 because I've updated "Presets - Auto Removing Process" to automatically select to remove related components in both sides !

If you are not using "Presets - Auto Removing Process", you just need to manually select "Control Panels - Set Users Default" to remove ... Wink

About the Chinese keyboard troubles, "Keyboard - English" will not be removed in case you used Chinese Keyboard, to avoid troubles ! Could you please let me know ... thanks !

Have a good day !

description[SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel EmptyRe: [SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel

Thank you!

But you read in my post, that there must be several sources for empty entries, because I have up to 4?

Where can I download v3.21 to test it?

description[SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel EmptyRe: [SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel


EDIT: its just for testing, till winterstorm releases 1.21

description[SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel EmptyRe: [SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel

Kasch wrote:
Thank you!

But you read in my post, that there must be several sources for empty entries, because I have up to 4?

Yes, I read it, and I've tried to find some troubles with accessories, but I'm not able to find more empty shortcut ... but if you find some other just tell me !

description[SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel EmptyRe: [SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel

A first test shows what I worried: With v3.21 and the same wccf I have only two instead o three empty entries. So this issue should not be marked as "solved". I will go on testing.

description[SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel EmptyRe: [SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel

so maybe you could share your wccf so we could reproduce your bug also

description[SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel EmptyRe: [SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel


With above wccf I have now 2 instead of 3 empty entries. Just now I produce an iso with no selected controls to remove (but some will be removed anyway because they depend on a removed feature). I tested that already with 3.20 an had empty entries. I will report the result with 3.21

description[SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel EmptyRe: [SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel


With the above wccf I still have one empty entry. I unchecked all control panels but because of dependencies the following where automaticly set:

Auto Play
Internet Options
Internet Options (Files)
Parental Controls
Pen and Touch
Phone and Modem
Phone and Modem (Files)
Secure Startup
Speech Recognition
Tablet PC Settings
Text to Speech
Windows Defender

I also checked the English keyboard for removal and this still breaks the Chinese keyboard (simplified). It looks like it still is removed. Also not solved.

description[SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel EmptyRe: [SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel


This is why I haven't released this build until further tests ... thank you for your feedback !

So, I've identified all others blank control panels missing shortcut : Action Center (with auto removing) and "Network - Remote Applications" ... I'm testing the fixes and will release in few minutes a testing build !


description[SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel EmptyRe: [SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel


A new testing build is available with some changes ... (LINK)

- Display version and information about WinReducer 7.0 in the Windows Properties tab
- New component : "Tweaks - Start Menu - Control Panel (Show as menu)"
- Fixes from this thread
- All previous fixes from the "WinReducer 7.0 Live Debug Session"

If everything is good, I will release a new build tomorrow based on these changes !

Very Happy

EDIT : I've included the changelog in the package !

description[SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel EmptyRe: [SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel

Wow!  Very Happy

I'm sorry that I can't test it immediately because I have some holidays now. I will do it as soon as possible.

description[SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel EmptyRe: [SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel


OK, sounds good !

Have a good holiday ... Smile

description[SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel EmptyRe: [SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel

A first quick test of the official 3.2.1 (while holidays Cool ) shows:
no more empty entries
chinese keyboard works

Thank you!

description[SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel EmptyRe: [SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel

Thank you for your report, even during your holidays ...

description[SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel EmptyRe: [SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel

Hi, I have always this problem[SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel Sans_t10

description[SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel EmptyRe: [SOLVED] "Ghostly" entries in controlpanel


I will have a look at this in the next builds.

Thanks for the report.
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