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description[ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v0.9.89.0] [RS1 Build 14393.0] Cannot use .iso with VM Player Empty[ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v0.9.89.0] [RS1 Build 14393.0] Cannot use .iso with VM Player

I create an .iso for a real machine but I want to check it Under VM Player
a video driver is integrated for the real machine but even using "Protect VM Player" the Vm player virtual machine cannot start
It fail when rebooting with  INTERRUPT EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED Blue screen

What is more needed to have the .iso being working on virtual and real machine?
Thanks for the help

I post it as a bug as I think the "Protect VM Player" must work

description[ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v0.9.89.0] [RS1 Build 14393.0] Cannot use .iso with VM Player EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v0.9.89.0] [RS1 Build 14393.0] Cannot use .iso with VM Player

does somebody have idea on who is wrong me or WinReducer?

description[ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v0.9.89.0] [RS1 Build 14393.0] Cannot use .iso with VM Player EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v0.9.89.0] [RS1 Build 14393.0] Cannot use .iso with VM Player

Seems like some component you've removed that might be causing blue sceen, have you tested the iso on a real machine yet? Cause im pretty sure that "Protect VM Player" only prevent essential drivers from beign removed from the iso so it can be compatible with VMWare.

description[ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v0.9.89.0] [RS1 Build 14393.0] Cannot use .iso with VM Player EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v0.9.89.0] [RS1 Build 14393.0] Cannot use .iso with VM Player

It works on real machine, I just add drivers for the real machine

[ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v0.9.89.0] [RS1 Build 14393.0] Cannot use .iso with VM Player LOTDB7EAAAAASUVORK5CYII=

description[ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v0.9.89.0] [RS1 Build 14393.0] Cannot use .iso with VM Player EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v0.9.89.0] [RS1 Build 14393.0] Cannot use .iso with VM Player

Might be a problem with the drivers integration then, i had some trouble with that b4 but i stop adding drivers to the iso cause i would have to update at some point anyway. Sorry i cant help but if it works on a real machine probably is a bug causing the issue, maybe even a problem with VMWare. cause in certain cases autounattended files or aplications made to install on first launch wont work cause VMWare overwrites some settings on installation. By the way i made an iso removing microsoft drivers and all the intel drivers with "Protect VMWare" and in the removing process they did appeared in the progress, i dont know if it was actually removed tho.

description[ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v0.9.89.0] [RS1 Build 14393.0] Cannot use .iso with VM Player EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v0.9.89.0] [RS1 Build 14393.0] Cannot use .iso with VM Player

Btw don't post images or presets with your windows serial =D

description[ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v0.9.89.0] [RS1 Build 14393.0] Cannot use .iso with VM Player EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v0.9.89.0] [RS1 Build 14393.0] Cannot use .iso with VM Player

Metaleiroll wrote:
Btw don't post images or presets with your windows serial =D

its only a key for installation, you can find more here (a bit down on the page)

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i normally use virtual box and have no problem (even when i dont use the virtual box preset and remove all drivers)
but i will soon do some tests with vm ware

description[ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v0.9.89.0] [RS1 Build 14393.0] Cannot use .iso with VM Player EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v0.9.89.0] [RS1 Build 14393.0] Cannot use .iso with VM Player

Metaleiroll wrote:
Btw don't post images or presets with your windows serial =D

This key is the same for anybody using an electronic signature
so there is no problem to show it bounce

description[ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v0.9.89.0] [RS1 Build 14393.0] Cannot use .iso with VM Player EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v0.9.89.0] [RS1 Build 14393.0] Cannot use .iso with VM Player

I do the same it is working with the integration of the driver of the system I run VMware
but not for the integration of the driver of the machine of my daughter running on my system

description[ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v0.9.89.0] [RS1 Build 14393.0] Cannot use .iso with VM Player EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v0.9.89.0] [RS1 Build 14393.0] Cannot use .iso with VM Player

so it only happens when you integrate drivers (daughters PC) ?

if yes it could be that some files are missing/were not integrated

description[ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v0.9.89.0] [RS1 Build 14393.0] Cannot use .iso with VM Player EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v0.9.89.0] [RS1 Build 14393.0] Cannot use .iso with VM Player

but on the real daughter machine it works !!!

description[ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v0.9.89.0] [RS1 Build 14393.0] Cannot use .iso with VM Player EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v0.9.89.0] [RS1 Build 14393.0] Cannot use .iso with VM Player

did you try with an untouched iso and integrate the driver and test it in the VM ?

i could think that it also does not work, and if it doesn´t work i would say its an problem/bug of vm ware player

description[ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v0.9.89.0] [RS1 Build 14393.0] Cannot use .iso with VM Player EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v0.9.89.0] [RS1 Build 14393.0] Cannot use .iso with VM Player

The .iso is untouch downloaded from MS
I will try to just integrate driver without other WinReducing to isolate driver integration process

description[ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v0.9.89.0] [RS1 Build 14393.0] Cannot use .iso with VM Player EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v0.9.89.0] [RS1 Build 14393.0] Cannot use .iso with VM Player

Finaly I Isolate the faulty Driver it is a "Synaptics Touchpad"
If you want to reproduce just download This file
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