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description[ANSWERED] Using previous version just to remove two components and after the current stable is problem ? Empty[ANSWERED] Using previous version just to remove two components and after the current stable is problem ?

Current version if remove Internet Explorer and Windows Defender break Immersive Control Panel and make file system error message when starting programs.
A previous version of 12-2016 not break the system if both components are removed.
If using previous version integrating windows update and removing Internet Explorer and Windows Defender and after using the created ISO with current version to remove the others components can make problem with the windows update file integrated ?

description[ANSWERED] Using previous version just to remove two components and after the current stable is problem ? EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Using previous version just to remove two components and after the current stable is problem ?


which version of win10 do you use RS2 ? because there are several problems with windows RS2 at the moment and RS1 is ok so far (at least for me)

description[ANSWERED] Using previous version just to remove two components and after the current stable is problem ? EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Using previous version just to remove two components and after the current stable is problem ?

Windows 10 Pro 64 PT-BR RS1

description[ANSWERED] Using previous version just to remove two components and after the current stable is problem ? EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Using previous version just to remove two components and after the current stable is problem ?

ok i will do soon some tests.

did you use the stable .88 version?

break Immersive Control Panel and make file system error message when starting programs.

you mean with "programs" when you click at the Immersive CP on i.e. Devices, WIndows Update etc you get the error?

description[ANSWERED] Using previous version just to remove two components and after the current stable is problem ? EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Using previous version just to remove two components and after the current stable is problem ?

I have used current and testing previous versions being the same result.
IE11 get a error when opening Immersive Control Panel and Windows Defender break the system not starting several types of programs displaying message FILE SYSTEM ERROR.
ISO Windows 10 10.0.14393.0 RS1 PT-BR 64

hmmm I will try using Winreducer ex 10 X86 version instead of X64.
Have something strange happening. my system not having virus and wnreducer entire folder is on antivirus exclude list.

description[ANSWERED] Using previous version just to remove two components and after the current stable is problem ? EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] Using previous version just to remove two components and after the current stable is problem ?

Selecting Protect Important Files fix the problem.
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