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description[ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v2.1.8.0] [RS5 Build 1809 LTSC] Removing PowerShell also removes "Windows Management Framework" ? Empty[ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v2.1.8.0] [RS5 Build 1809 LTSC] Removing PowerShell also removes "Windows Management Framework" ?

Which is needed if I want to install a newer version of Powershell.

description[ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v2.1.8.0] [RS5 Build 1809 LTSC] Removing PowerShell also removes "Windows Management Framework" ? EmptyRe: [ANSWERED] [EX-100 - v2.1.8.0] [RS5 Build 1809 LTSC] Removing PowerShell also removes "Windows Management Framework" ?

Hello dim Smile

Yes removing Powershell, completely remove the entire functionality without the possibility to restore it ... this is the purpose of removing it Wink

But you can just use the "Features - Windows Powershell" component to simply disable it : it will not appear if you do not need it but it will have all necessary files to activate it in the future or to update it Wink

I wish you to have a great day !
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