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description[BUG/ERROR/HELP] Error Processing your request Empty[BUG/ERROR/HELP] Error Processing your request

***** 11/04/2017 20:36:43 - SESSION OPENED *****
INFO : WinReducer ---> EX-100 [v1.7.5.0 (x64)]
ERROR : "7z.exe" and/or "7z.dll" files don't exist ==> Check your "Options - Configuration" page
ERROR : "Dism.exe" file doesn't exist ==> Check your "Options - Configuration" page
ERROR : "oscdimg.exe" file doesn't exist ==> Check your "Options - Configuration" page
ERROR : "SetACL.exe" file doesn't exist ==> Check your "Options - Configuration" page
CRITICAL : Check your WinReducer Configuration ! == > "Options" page will be opened to help you solved this
WARNING : A problem with your Theme file has been detected

[BUG/ERROR/HELP] Error Processing your request FSSKHLO

i was trying to do a lot of weird things to get it working but is imposible

description[BUG/ERROR/HELP] Error Processing your request EmptyRe: [BUG/ERROR/HELP] Error Processing your request

did you download all those software from OPTIONS .> CONFIG .> Software installation -> switch everything to ON @ SOFTWARE and hit the download button?

description[BUG/ERROR/HELP] Error Processing your request EmptyRe: [BUG/ERROR/HELP] Error Processing your request

yes Smile

description[BUG/ERROR/HELP] Error Processing your request EmptyRe: [BUG/ERROR/HELP] Error Processing your request


Try first to re-download all third-party software in few minutes ... maybe a Microsoft server error (for dism and oscdimg).

If it does not work, I will release v1.8.0.0 in few hours, with the latest DISM version from Windows 10 RS2.

Could you please download, and test, it ... once it will be released, and will let me know the result. Thanks.


description[BUG/ERROR/HELP] Error Processing your request EmptyRe: [BUG/ERROR/HELP] Error Processing your request

've been trying it for about 6 hours so...

description[BUG/ERROR/HELP] Error Processing your request EmptyRe: [BUG/ERROR/HELP] Error Processing your request

i've installed 7zip long time ago why cannot use my installed version?

description[BUG/ERROR/HELP] Error Processing your request EmptyRe: [BUG/ERROR/HELP] Error Processing your request

I tried and it works great on my computer.

Please let me check something first and I will contact you using a forum pm with a possible solution Wink

description[BUG/ERROR/HELP] Error Processing your request EmptyRe: [BUG/ERROR/HELP] Error Processing your request

Thank you now is working good :3

description[BUG/ERROR/HELP] Error Processing your request EmptyRe: [BUG/ERROR/HELP] Error Processing your request

[BUG/ERROR/HELP] Error Processing your request F3LjPyY
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