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descriptionavoid TPm/UEFI checking Emptyavoid TPm/UEFI checking

Would be possible to bypass the TPM/UEFI checking
for the time being I use .132 .iso which contain en old checking .dll
solution can be to change it in .194 .iso
or perhaps using .reg if they work as


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


descriptionavoid TPm/UEFI checking EmptyRe: avoid TPm/UEFI checking

yes, an optional component to skip the requirements bypass would be great. So that we don't have to do this every time inside of the setup.

Additionaly there is: (untested)

With the LabConfig reg-entries I can confirm that bypassing the requirements is possible.

descriptionavoid TPm/UEFI checking EmptyRe: avoid TPm/UEFI checking

Hello guys,

I confirm that the TPM bypass check is one of my top priorities for the next release Smile


descriptionavoid TPm/UEFI checking EmptyRe: avoid TPm/UEFI checking

The temp solution is just replace the win11 boot wim with win10 boot wim, that way no CPU or TPM check, install works.  
Though I would want to ask is it possible to add an option in ISO creation to skip the boot prompt (Press any key to boot)?
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