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description[SOLVED] Control Panel - Indexing Options Empty[SOLVED] Control Panel - Indexing Options

I've noticed for quite a while that when i select Indexing Options for one build then load that preset again it doesn't tick the boxes.

Not sure but seems it's always unchecked when saving to .wccf

Anyone else have this issue?

description[SOLVED] Control Panel - Indexing Options EmptyRe: [SOLVED] Control Panel - Indexing Options


Just tried and it works for me. Try to create a wwcf file using "SAVE" button in the "Preset Editor" ... then load it to see what happens ... Let me know, please.

description[SOLVED] Control Panel - Indexing Options EmptyRe: [SOLVED] Control Panel - Indexing Options

yup definitely an error when using preset maker when reducing iso's.

It's interesting that the preset editor is different from the preset maker.

Here have a look (use a program like to do a text difference of the two files)

preset editor:
preset maker:

Ignore the features section as the iso i work on has most of it removed already so in preset maker they show up disabled.

But for the rest of it you'll see the difference in the highlighted lines.

description[SOLVED] Control Panel - Indexing Options EmptyRe: [SOLVED] Control Panel - Indexing Options

Also with preset editor setting your options and saving them, then loading it.
The following if selected are not saved and cause errors or don't save/load their values

Not sure if (protection is causing it)

[SOLVED] Control Panel - Indexing Options Error10

Windows Search  - setting not loaded

App rediness service - setting not loaded
Family safety - reset to disable
Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) Service - setting not loaded
Remote Access Manager Services - reset to remove
SNMP Trap Service - reset to remove
Telnet Service - reset to remove
Windows Defender Service - reset to remove
Windows Firewall Service - setting not loaded
Windows  Indexing Service - setting not loaded
Windows Store Service - setting not loaded
Windows Update Service - setting not loaded
Work Folders Service - reset to remove


Control Panel - Indexing Options - Reset to unchecked
Control Panel - Indexing Options (files) - Reset to unchecked

description[SOLVED] Control Panel - Indexing Options EmptyRe: [SOLVED] Control Panel - Indexing Options

hey i tried it (with winreducer 7, but it should be the same for winreducer 8.1)

and it works.

i tried it in both ways

Preset editor -> preset maker
and the other way.

i selected everything, and everything was loaded like it should.

the only i realized and which i would think of for you, is that you used the Presets. i.e Protect Windows Search-

by protecing windows search, the indexing will not be removed. thats why it is not selected in the wccf file, and so on.

so i would consider it a solved. (also because this post is 1 year old and no other reported it)

the only thing to fix would be this:

[SOLVED] Control Panel - Indexing Options Prpqomzn

when i click on "Clear settings" everything is cleard. but the "name" of the preset (in the picture "2") is not removed

description[SOLVED] Control Panel - Indexing Options EmptyRe: [SOLVED] Control Panel - Indexing Options

SOLVED IN v1.52 !

I fixed the "Clear Settings" display bug !
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