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[SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED]

8 posters

description[SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED] - Page 3 EmptyRe: [SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED]

pedilover wrote:
Hi KrX,
but with the old version RC7 the problem did not occur ! Since the later versions the problem always appeared.

hmm thats really odd.

i cant reproduce the bug, for me i only get the error when integrating updates and removing stuff.

so like i said i will try to find the update thats causing it for me and MAYBE it will help you too

description[SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED] - Page 3 EmptyRe: [SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED]

so i hunted the updates down to 5 potential bluescreen making once.

but yesterday i downloaded winreducer version .12 and now it seems like it is solved. i tried it like 5 times and  didnt get the bluescreen now.

did you change something winter?

i will try it again with version .11 to get the update that caused the problem, but like i said with version .12 it seems like solved

@pedilover @Vandit and @Voz

try version .12 (newest) if it is also solved for you.
and i will post as soon as i got the update that caused my problem

description[SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED] - Page 3 EmptyRe: [SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED]


Interesting ... I've just updated the removing engine, a little bit, to avoid slowdowns during removing, because they were too much process launched at the same time. So, sometimes you saw some freezes.

I will wait for your feedbacks (with .11) and all other users.

description[SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED] - Page 3 EmptyRe: [SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED]

hmm i dont know why but i cant reproduce my bug anymore (not with .12 and not with .11 or earlier)

what i can say i could hunt it down to this 5 widows updates and one or more gave me the bluescreen


so for me it is now each time working (no Bluescreen)

description[SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED] - Page 3 EmptyRe: [SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED]

Hi Winterstorm & KrX,
I'm sorry, but I had no success. The BS remains !(Vers.12).
My friend Vandit had the same result unfortunatly.

description[SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED] - Page 3 EmptyRe: [SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED]

Hey guys,

That's a real challenge, this bug !

Could you please answer to these questions :
1) Are you using an untouched installed system to customize your ISO ? Or a customized one ? if yes, since how much times ?
2)  In which environment are you testing your customized ISO (which results in the BS) : I mean, a real or a virtual computer ?
3) In your customized ISO (with BS), did you integrate the windows updates KrX mentioned ?

Thanks for your answer !

description[SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED] - Page 3 EmptyRe: [SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED]

Hi Winterstorm,
1. Yes, I use an untouched Win 7 SP1 x64 in which the IE11 is alredy integrated,
2. I have tested in both environments (real with x64 Win7 and virtual box)
3. In my Update-pack (created by Vandit) are all updates, because of that there are no updates shown in winupdate any more after installation.Even these 5 updates are a part of my pack I've used.
Liam's Wintoolkit has integrated these Updates and all the drivers with the same ISO without the BS.
It would be great if you would succeed in finding the bug.

description[SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED] - Page 3 EmptyRe: [SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED]

pedilover wrote:
Liam's Wintoolkit has integrated these Updates and all the drivers with the same ISO without the BS.
It would be great if you would succeed in finding the bug.

for me i didnt get the Bluescreen after just integrating the updates i mentioned.

i got the bluescreen after integrating them and reducing windows 7.

description[SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED] - Page 3 EmptyRe: [SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED]

Hey guys,

Maybe, it will be a good idea to hide these updates using WinReducer (I will add them in the same list as all other troubles windows 7 updates) ?

description[SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED] - Page 3 EmptyRe: [SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED]

Hi Winterstorm,
but why can I integrate these Updates with Liam's Wintoolkit or with 7customizer without a bluescreen when I not use Winreducer to shrink my ISO ?

description[SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED] - Page 3 EmptyRe: [SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED]


I haven't finished what I would like to say yesterday ... I was almost sleeping when I wrote it ... Wink

I possibly add these updates in the list ... until I will fix it ... thanks to the KrX tests, which reduced the troubles updates to only 5 .. I already get them, and I will test them to see if I could reproduce the BS bug.

I will keep you in touch tomorrow ... Wink

description[SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED] - Page 3 EmptyRe: [SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED]

Hi Winterstorm,

my friend Vandit has tested again without any hotfixes. And again BS !
It does not depond from any updates. There must be another reason
He has made a video during the install process and the BS appeared again during the "Die Registrierungseinstellungen werden aktualisiert".
I can't post it here, because it is too large.
But as I said before: using the Version RC7 everything runs !!
What did you change between RC7 and RC9 ??

description[SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED] - Page 3 EmptyRe: [SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED]


What did you change between RC7 and RC9 (here is the error originated), can you please again compare??

Foto 1
Foto 2


description[SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED] - Page 3 EmptyRe: [SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED]

Hi All

I've tested in VM (VirtualBox) many times. many BSOD. got it working without removing any drivers and not using any optimization so far.

I use a untouched ISO. only integrate updates with WinToolkit. before using WinReducer 3.12

Mine BSOD started at the loading process, before Windows setup.

Now also during the instalation.

description[SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED] - Page 3 EmptyRe: [SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED]

Hey guys,

1) Could you please have a look in this thread, and tell me if it could be a cause ?

2) Have you tried to integrate all updates using only WinReducer ?

Thanks by advance.

description[SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED] - Page 3 EmptyRe: [SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED]

Hi Winter,
1. we are using no preformed update packs, because Vandit has put together a sequence of all for us needed update. After install there is not shown any update further from windowsupdate.
2. We have integrated the updates with 7customizer and with Liam's WinToolkit, but both proggies caused no BS. We used 7customizer/Wintoolkit after the reduction of the ISO with winreducer7.
When we have been using 7customizer/Wintoolkit alone only for integrating the updates and drivers there has never been a BS. Only when using winreducer7 before for making the ISO smaller there is always the BS. Because of that we don't believe thet the reason is caused in the updates.

description[SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED] - Page 3 EmptyRe: [SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED]

Hey pedilover,

So, you 1st remove components with WinReducer then you integrate updates with 7customizer and with Liam's WinToolkit ? Is this correct ?

Could you please try to do the opposite : 1st integrate updates and/or drivers, then reduce your ISO with WinReducer.
Because how you managed this, is really not recommended, due to potential bugs with missing updates or incorrectly installed due to missing components removed by WinReducer !

This is why, in WinReducer, when you integrate updates, the slipstream updates is done 1st in the process, I mean before all other removing process !

And this also should explain why I'm not able to reproduce the bug ... I'm always integrating the updates before removing components, to avoid potential severe bugs during installation !

About the changes in WinReducer, they are all mentioned in the changelog file, so could you please try how I described and please let me know.

Thanks guys.

description[SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED] - Page 3 EmptyRe: [SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED]

Hi Winter,
I must explain something:
I integrate the updates and drivers with Liams Wintoolkit and it has always succeeded.
My friend Vandit integrated the Updates and drivers with the 7customizer and he has no problems too.
We don't use 2 proggies for integration of the hotfixes and the drivers.
But each one an other. You understand ?
I will make another test with integrating the hotfixes and drivers first and afterwards slimming down Win7 with Winreducer7.

description[SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED] - Page 3 EmptyRe: [SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED]

Yes, I understand; it was just a copy/paste from your point 2 in your previous post ... just that my friend ... Wink

description[SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED] - Page 3 EmptyRe: [SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED]

Hi Winter,
my friend Vandit has fisrst integrated the updates and the drivers with Nuhi's NTLite and then used Winreducer7 to slim down his win7_x64, but there was how always the BS !
I have used Liam's wintoolkit to integrate the updates and the drivers and then I used Winreducer7 to slim down my win7_x64, but there was like always the BS (UEFI install !)
It is a little bit frustrating, but we believe that you can find the bug.

description[SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED] - Page 3 EmptyRe: [SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED]

back to RC7! Sad is the last working Version for me!

description[SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED] - Page 3 EmptyRe: [SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED]

pedilover wrote:
Hi Winter,
my friend Vandit has fisrst integrated the updates and the drivers with Nuhi's NTLite and then used Winreducer7 to slim down his win7_x64, but there was how always the BS !
I have used Liam's wintoolkit to integrate the updates and the drivers and then I used Winreducer7 to slim down my win7_x64, but there was like always the BS (UEFI install !)
It is a little bit frustrating, but we believe that you can find the bug.

hey i was just wandering. when you integrate updates AND Driver andd after that you remove components. maybe a Driver you integrated before (or some files) will be removed and that makes the BS appear.

could you try one more time to integrate your updates (wintoolkit or ntlite) use after that winreducer to remove the componets you dont Need and after that integrate your Drivers (wintoolkit or ntlite).

in that order i make my iso files

description[SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED] - Page 3 EmptyRe: [SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED]

Hi KrX
Vandit believes that he has found the bug. It is caused because of the integration of the unattended.xml which we have produced by 7customizer and this folder contains some files in us/eng. We have removed all languages except german and we believe this causes the BS.

description[SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED] - Page 3 EmptyRe: [SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED]

ok could you send me the unattended.xml file ?

could you try to create an unattended.xml file with winreducer and try that iso?

also it could really be that because what changed from rc7 to rc8 and rc9 was the cleanup for keyboard and languages

description[SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED] - Page 3 EmptyRe: [SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED]

ok i could reprduce the bug with your unattanded.xml, doing one last test and telling you the result

description[SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED] - Page 3 EmptyRe: [SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED]

so, i tested your unattanded file, and you got some lines like this:


but you removed via winreducer the english keyboard and language

after testing your file i got the same bluescreen, but after changing those line to:


the installation went on without any problems !!!


so like i already said, you should use winreducer to create your unattaned file (it can create it with everything you needed)

so plz try it again and hopefully you can post a positive reply

description[SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED] - Page 3 EmptyRe: [SOLVED] Bluescreen with RC9 & RC 10 & RC 11 & RC 14 & FINAL [MERGED]

I believe now: it's solved !!
Thanks to Vandit !
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